Listen: Vintage Crop “Gridlock”

By Iggy Pot - June 10, 2020
Vintage Crop - Gridlock
Vintage Crop

Vintage Crop hail from Geelong, Victoria, and they play a tangled and barbed brand of post-punk on their new track “Gridlock”. The cut features intertwining guitar parts wrestling for control as off-kilter melody and snarling rhythm bark at each other from their opposing corners. Meanwhile, the band’s vocalist takes aim at bourgeois culture lamenting the 9-to-5 life with razor-sharp lyrics and stentorian delivery.

Vintage Crop’s Jack Cherry explains:

“The title for the song came first; stuck in traffic and running late to a gig a few years ago. We laughed at the name and threw it onto a few different songs before it stuck, after Tyson finally penned the lyrics. Thematically, Gridlock is frustrated & pushy which are emotions that we felt that day when we were stuck in traffic and increasingly feel every day at the moment. It’s one of the first songs we finished for Serve to Serve Again and is a perfect example of the our songwriting. It’s got everything that we like to do – unbalanced riff-work, tight drumming & sharp lyrics.“

Look for Vintage Crop to release their Serve To Serve Again LP on August 7th via Upset The Rhythm/Anti Fade (Australia).